Agenda: April 10, 2017 Meeting

Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting
Open to All Windsor Park Neighbors and the Public
Windsor Park Public Library,
April 10, 2017, 6:30-8:00 PM

  1. Call meeting to order;
  2. Approval of March meeting minutes
  3. Ongoing discussion and potential action on ongoing bylaws revisions
  4. CodeNEXT update
  5. Possible election of new members
  6. Discussion and announcements
  7. Adjourn by 8PM

Notes from the chair:

This may be a shorter meeting due to the light agenda. However, the CodeNEXT zoning maps are being released on April 18th, so the contact team is having a special meeting at the library on Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30PM – in which we will take no action – to review the maps and have a discussion about CodeNEXT. Any who are interested are welcome to come!

Also note that we do not have the Briarcliff AHA development on the agenda because there is no new information at this time – AHA is working on our feedback and will be circulating revised plans soon – probably to be discussed at the May meeting.

DRAFT March minutes for approval:

WPNPCT minutes 3.13.17

PRESENT: Conor Kenney, Brian Graham, Scooter Cheatham, Steve Speir, Margi Bienemann, David E. Golden, Walter Olenick, Nadia Kahn, Elaine Bohls-Graham, Margaret Dahl, Lane Hicks, and Rodney Ahart.

ABSENT: Art Turner, Ami Davis, Kenny Gaston-Kilgore and Jamie X. Guerra

GUESTS: Aaron Crellhaus, Kristi Black, Isaiah Tibbs, Claire Hodgin, Judi Rockman, Rick Krivoniak, Mohan Rao, Terry Jungman, Rebecca Holliday, Kara Kriegshauser, Gloria & Greg Neunaber, Meg Brooks, Sheryl Cheatham, Brandi Soules, Corey Ferguson, and Jeanette Swenson.

After determining a quorum was present, Conor Kenney, chair of the WPNPCT, convened the meeting. Minutes from the 2-13-17 meeting were distributed and reviewed. Elaine Bohls-Graham moved to approve minutes as presented. David E. Golden seconded. Minutes approved.

Conor Kenney briefed the contact team on his conversation with Stephanie Thomas, executive director for Accessible Housing Austin! (AHA) after their presentation on the proposed 1920 Gaston Place Drive development at the last contact team meeting. Thomas expressed her organization’s desire to move forward with the 27 unit design proposal, and to seek specific suggestions from Windsor Park residents on how to improve the project. Overall suggestions expressed by the contact team members and residents included: a more forward facing design to facilitate integration with Leisure Time Village and the surrounding neighborhood; on-site wrap around services for the residents; a Complete Streets focus to install significant landscaping and sidewalk improvements; and an overall more attractive residential aesthetic. The sentiment was to create a residential development the tenants would be proud to call home, and that could serve as a model for a successful high-quality affordable housing complex. Several concerns stated by attendees with the existing design included: the increase in impervious cover when several residences near the proposed site have recently been added to the flood plain, adding a third story would further separate the project from the surrounding community, and locating the project in an area of town where crime is high and there is already a high concentration of low income housing.

Conor recognized Isaiah Tibbs to discuss his proposed subdivision and re-zoning of a lot in Windsor Park.  Isaiah Tibbs, and his business partner, Kristi Black, recently purchased a residential lot located at 2901 Wheless Lane. The lot contains one house and is zoned SF-3. Under current zoning guidelines, Tibbs could subdivide the lot into three SF-3 lots and build three duplexes. However, he would like to divide the lot into six cottage lots and build six smaller homes. To address concerns raised, Tibbs agreed to construct the driveways to preserve the existing trees, to install sidewalks, and to mitigate parking within the site. Brian Graham moved to approve the subdivision and rezone of the lot at Wheless Lane to six individual cottage lots. Lane Hicks seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 10 yes, 0 no, and 2 abstentions.

Brian Graham distributed several handouts regarding CodeNEXT. The draft zoning categories have been released and the maps illustrating the changes are scheduled for release April 18. Brian Graham suggested we postpone the next regularly scheduled contact team meeting until after the maps have been released. Conor Kenney suggested we maintain the April 10 scheduled meeting to discuss regular contact team business, but select an additional date for a separate meeting specifically for CodeNEXT. A consensus was reached on the date of Tuesday, April 25.

Rodney Ahart announced the Windsor Park Beautification Committee Cameron Road Cleanup taking place Saturday, March 18, 8 AM to 10 AM. Contact team members were encouraged to participate.

Brian Graham made a motion to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Scooter Cheatham. Meeting adjourned.

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