Agenda: February 12, 2018 Meeting


Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting

Open to All Windsor Park Neighbors and the Public

University Hills Library

4721 Loyola Lane, Austin, TX 78723

February 12, 2018, 6:30-8:00 PM

Please join your neighbors for the February meeting of the Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team.
  1. Call meeting to order;
  2. Approval of December meeting minutes;
  3. Discussion on proposed development of 6203 and 6207 Berkman Drive;
  4. Discussion of CodeNEXT Draft 3 and process for submitting recommendations;
  5. Discussion and announcements;
  6. Adjourn by 8:00 PM

The contact team will be discussing a proposed development, The Berkman Terraces, at 6203 and 6207 Berkman Drive. The owners recently acquired the 1.3 acres of undeveloped land, and are seeking a zoning change to construct a Mixed Use Development with residential and retail space. We will also discuss the third rendition of the CodeNext draft, and the implications for Windsor Park.

My best,
Rodney Ahart on Briarcliff Boulevard
Chair, Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team

Agenda: October 9, 2017 Meeting

Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting
Open to All Windsor Park Neighbors and the Public
Windsor Park Public Library,
October 9, 2017, 6:30-8:00 PM

  1. Call meeting to order;
  2. Approval of September meeting minutes;
  3. Discussion and potential action on recommendations regarding Draft 2 of CodeNEXT re-zoning for Windsor Park;
  4. Discussion and announcements;
  5. Potential election of new members;
  6. Adjourn by 8PM

Notes from the chair:

I hope many of you can come out to our discussion of the second draft of the CodeNext draft for Windsor Park. The contact team will be discussing the draft and potentially voting on recommendations to the city. My understanding is that in November, the Neighborhood Association will also be discussing the draft and any comments that the contact team submits.

Best regards,
Conor Kenny, Chair

More info on the latest CodeNEXT draft:

  • Comparison map of current zoning to proposed zoning
  • The section specifying what can be built where
  • There is also this city-sponsored event on Wednesday night:
    Northeast Austin CodeNEXT Open House
    Wednesday, October 11
    Hart Elementary School, 8301 Furness DriveJoin us for the third of six CodeNEXT Community Open Houses!

    At our open house, the CodeNEXT team will share information about CodeNEXT, the rewrite of the City of Austin’s complex and outdated land development code.

    See the proposed zoning map, speak with code writers about changes to the code and how it affects you, and provide your feedback on the code. CodeNEXT staff will give a short presentation at 6:30pm. Light refreshments and children’s activities will be provided, and language interpretation services will be available in Vietnamese, Spanish, Arabic and Mandarin.

    For more information about CodeNEXT or for the full CodeNEXT Open House schedule, please visit

Contact Team Comments on CodeNEXT Map for Windsor Park

These are the official comments of the Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team on the first proposed CodeNEXT zoning map for the area covered by our neighborhood plan. The Windsor Park Neighborhood Association endorsed these comments by unanimous vote its the July 8th meeting.

The contact team proposed the following alterations to the map:

  • The property at 5936 Westminster Dr. (Windsor Village at Berkman Drive and Briarcliff Blvd.) should be zoned as T3.MS. This property is directly across the street or adjacent to proposed LMDR and T3N.DS properties that currently have detached, single-story, single-family homes. However, the property is large enough (538,488 sq. ft.) that substantial density and height could be achieved in certain parts of the property. Due to the nuanced nature of the property, the contact team is seeking to create a Planned Unit Development through negotiations with the property developer. In the event that a PUD cannot be achieved and due to the property’s position directly adjacent to current, single-story homes, the Windsor Park contact team believes that by-right development for the entire property should not exceed T3.MS.
  • The properties at 1660, 1646, and 1636 East 51st (E. 51st St. and Berkman Dr.) are proposed as T5.MS. While this might make sense in the context of being across from the Mueller development, the proposed designations are only for the front half of the properties, which are already developed. This is also a very congested intersection in which traffic entering and exiting the small lot at 1660 E. 51st st. is already a problem. It is simply not practical to have a T5 zoning for this area. The Windsor Park contact team recommends a lower-density zoning for these properties.
  • The properties at 1110 E 51st St, 5129 Cameron Rd., and 5209 Cameron Rd. (the intersection of 51st and Cameron Rd.) are proposed as T5U.SS-O. These are relatively small properties and the adjacent intersection has substantial congestion issues being an entrance/exit point to I-35. Such intense density there – including accommodating parking structures – is not practical for these properties. The Windsor Park contact team recommends a lower-density zoning for these properties.
  • The properties at 1040 E. 53rd and from 5303 Cameron Rd. to 5517 Cameron Rd. (the east side of Cameron Rd. from just north of 52nd St. to just south of Cloverleaf Dr.) are proposed as Service Commercial (SC-O), General Commercial (GC-O), Service Commercial (SC-L), and Community Commercial (GR-V-CO). Cameron Rd. is designated as an Austin Core Transit Corridor. In the Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan, the mixed-use residential development is called for here, which is incompatible with the proposed zoning. The Windsor Park contact team recommends T4.MS for this stretch of Cameron Rd.
  • The property at 1200 Broadmoor Dr. is currently proposed as Community Commercial (GR-MU-CO). The property is currently developed as a large apartment complex, but should be part of the Cameron Rd. mixed-use corridor. The Windsor Park contact team recommends a zoning of T5N.SS for these properties.
  • The property at 5701 Cameron Rd. is proposed as Neighborhood Commercial (NC-O). This property is currently utilized as a church and is part of the Cameron Rd. corridor. The Windsor Park contact team believes that it would be more congruous with the rest of the corridor – particularly the eastern side – if it were zoned T3.N.
  • The area south of 53rd between I-35 and Cameron Rd. is publicly owned property as part of the I-35 right-of-way. It is currently proposed to be zoned as Service Commercial (SC-L). It should not be zoned at all.
  • The properties from 53rd north between I-35 and Cameron Rd., up to 5340 Cameron Rd. and 5339 N. I-35, are currently proposed as Service Commercial (SC-O and SC-L). These uses are incompatible with a neighborhood and the neighborhood plan. The Windsor Park contact team recommends T5.MS to shape this property into a neighborhood mixed-use center.
  • The properties at 5407 N. I-35, 5621 N. I-35, 5600 Cameron Rd., 5630 Cameron Rd. are all held by one owner and form the Capital Plaza shopping center. They are proposed to be zoned Service Commercial (SC-0 and SC-L). The Windsor Park contact team wishes to negotiate a Planned Unit Development on these large properties, and until that PUD can be negotiated, a zoning allowing commercial use incompatible with the mixed-use residential envisioned by the neighborhood plan should not be used. The Windsor Park contact team recommends T4.MS for the first 200 feet facing Cameron Rd. (to be compatible with the T4 and T3 zonining proposed for east of Cameron Rd.) and T5.MS for the remainder of those properties as they approach I-35.
  • The property at 5700 Cameron Rd. is currently proposed as Service Commercial (CS-MU-V-CO). This property is currently developed as apartments and is across the street from current single-story, single-family houses proposed to be zoned T3. Accordingly, the Windsor Park contact team recommends T3.MS zoning for this property in order to ensure compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood and to support the larger vision of Cameron Rd. as a mixed-use, residential neighborhood main street.
  • The properties on the south side of Reinli St. between Cameron Rd. and I-35 (excluding the 5700 Cameron Rd. property) are envisioned by the neighborhood plan as part of a mixed-use, residential neighborhood center. Reinli St. itself could be a great, pedestrian-friendly neighborhood boulevard. Accordingly, the Windsor Park contact team recommends that the first 100 feet along the south side of Reinli be zoned T5.MS, stepping up to T6.MS after 100 ft. (excluding the proposed Capital Plaza T5.MS-based PUD) and when within 200 ft. of I-35.
  • The Windsor Park contact team recommends the properties north of Reinli between Cameron Rd. and I-35 be re-imagined as a high-density, mixed-use neighborhood center, with zoning up to T6-U, with accommodations for current residential development. Please see the below map for details.

Respectfully submitted and approved by unanimous vote,
The Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team

Agenda: June 12, 2017 Meeting

Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting
Open to All Windsor Park Neighbors and the Public
Windsor Park Public Library,
June 12, 2017, 6:30-8:00 PM

  1. Call meeting to order;
  2. Approval of May meeting minutes;
  3. Discussion and potential action on CodeNEXT comments;
  4. Discussion and potential action on membership bylaws;
  5. Possible election of new members;
  6. Discussion and announcements;
  7. Adjourn by 8PM


Agenda: July 11, 2016 Meeting

Agenda for:

Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting
Windsor Park Public Library,
July 11, 2016, 6:30 pm

  1. Approval of minutes from June meeting;
  2. Follow-up (and final?) meeting on Sutherlin Rd. project;
  3. 6100 Friendswood Dr. land subdivision proposal – no proposal before the team but discussion of the notification some neighbors received;
  4. Potential consideration of new members; and
  5. Discussion and announcements;
Adjourn by 8:00PM.

Minutes: May 9, 2016 Meeting

WPNPCT minutes 05.09.16

PRESENT: Conor Kenny, Scooter Cheatham, Steve Speir, Margi Bienemann, Brian Graham, Elaine Bohls-Graham, David E. Golden, Rodney Ahart, Ami Davis, Nadia Kahn, Jamie X. Guerra, Arthur Turner,

ABSENT: Kenny Gaston-Kilgore (excused), Walter Olenick, Carol Kent (excused), Stafford Gunning

GUESTS: Lane Hicks, Jeanette Swenson, Rick Krivoniak, Natalie Sanchez, Meghan Daugherty

Conor Kenny, chair of the WPNPCT, determined a quorum present and called the meeting to order. Minutes from the 4-9-16 meeting were distributed. Brian Graham made motion to approve with corrections, seconded by Scooter Cheatham. Minutes approved by voice vote 13-0.

The focus of tonight’s meeting featured a discussion of a City of Austin Transportation Department proposal for mobility improvements that would include changes on Clayton/Briarcliff and Sheridan to Berkman. All changes need to be vetted by the community.

A discussion on these changes ensued with the understanding that any CT official letter or recommendation would require a rule change as such an action was not posted on the CT agenda.

Rodney Ahart, who lives on Briarcliff, said he had not yet been notified of any proposed traffic pattern changes and advised the CT to hold off on any formal action until it was clear that the residents on these streets had been notified and had had a chance to respond.

Conor noted that the city had a public meeting scheduled for later in the week (May 12) at the Windsor Park Library to present the proposed changes.

The proposed changes are designed to reduce traffic speed along Briarcliff by limiting parking to one side of the street {the South side} and creating a buffer between a new bicycle lane and traffic. The city says more than thirty collisions or sideswipes occurred on Briarcliff in 2014. Brian Graham says the majority of collisions were near Clayton and Cameron Road where hundreds of people turn left each day.

Margi suggested that parking on only on one side of the street would create a pedestrian hazard for residents who tried to cross the street to their homes on the side where parking was restricted.

Brian said Windsor Park residents have stated a desire for a protected left turn from Briarcliff on to Cameron.

Art Turner asked if there had been a traffic impact study done on the impact of these changes to people on the connecting streets.

It was agreed, after much discussion, that we would suspend the rules and send a letter to the director of City Transportation and to Councilmembers Greg Casar and Ora Houston that would address these CT concerns:

  • Pedestrian safety crossing from one side of the street to the other
  • Notification of neighbors on Briarcliff and on the connecting streets and addresses of where notifications were sent
  • Make certain neighbors impacted have had the chance to respond to the proposal
  • Confirm what plans are included for sidewalks on Briarcliff
  • Has there been a traffic study on the impact on the neighborhood?

Brian Graham made a motion to suspend CT rules. Scooter seconded. Brian moved that we take no further action until we get a response to our letter. Brian’s motion was amended by Art to include a formal request for a traffic study. Motion accepted.

Brian moved to pass the previous question. Scooter seconded. Passed 13-0 to send a letter to the Director of Transportation and our two council members expressing our previously stated concerns.

The next topic dealt with the City of Austin’s decisions regarding traffic safety improvements on Berkman. Conor said Stafford Gunning, who is on the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Transportation Committee, told him that the committee is trying to get a partnership agreement with the city that includes a 1 to 3 dollar “sweat equity” swap regarding expenditures for improvements on Berkman. Previously neighborhood residents have expressed a desire for a better crosswalk, a flashing light, and/or a left hand turn lane at Rogge. The city has $60,000 in the current budget to make improvements on Berkman.

Conor said data is now in on the hybrid pedestrian warning light for a pedestrian crosswalk that he favors. It showed a 94 per cent compliance rate which means people DID stop 94 per cent of the time. This type of warning light is currently in place at Rosewood and Angelina and seems to be working well.

Laura Dierenfield, with the City of Austin, said at the last CT meeting that a feasibility study would have to be done on any proposal the community put forward.

The next discussion involved concerns with the efforts to place a bus transit depot at 6303 Cameron Road. Abdul Patel owns the shopping, bus and restaurant complex at 907 E. St. Johns and has expressed a desire to buy the property.

It was agreed to invite Mr. Patel and his representatives to the next CT meeting for a 15-minute presentation and a 15-minute question-and-answer from those attending. Mr. Patel is also scheduled to speak to the next meeting of the WPNA.

A new CT member: Lane Hicks was then nominated for CT membership. Hicks is an architect and a four-year resident of Windsor Park. She lives on Glenvalley. Lane was approved by a 12-0 vote by secret ballot.

Agenda: June 13, 2016 Meeting

Agenda for:

Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting
Windsor Park Public Library,
June 13, 2016, 6:30 pm

  1. Approval of minutes from May meeting;
  2. Discussion with Mr. Patel on a potential Cooper Tire site project (focusing on allowable uses under current zoning/future land use and uses under potential changes);
  3. Presentation from PSW developers on a potential Sutherlin Rd. project for several single-family homes;
  4. Brief update/presentation from WPNPCT member Nadia Khan on potential Tannehill Creek and Belfast pedestrian/bike connection;
  5. Discussion of ongoing transportation issues;
  6. Potential consideration of new members;
  7. Discussion and announcements;
Adjourn by 8:00PM.

Minutes: April 11, 2016 Meeting

WPNPCT minutes 04.11.16

PRESENT: Conor Kenny, Scooter Cheatham, Steve Speir, Margi Bienemann, Brian Graham, Elaine Bohls-Graham, David E. Golden, Walter Olenick, Rodney Ahart, Carol Kent, Ami Davis, Stafford Gunning.

ABSENT: Kenny Gaston-Kilgore (excused), Art Turner (illness).

GUESTS: Diane Rice, Jesse Adler, Laura Dierenfield, Lane Hicks, Jaime Guerra, Rodney Ahart, Margaret Dahl, Rick Krivoniak, Linda Ceremim (sp), Mike Polacheck.

Conor Kenny, chair of the WPNPCT, determined a quorum present and called the meeting to order. Minutes from the 3-11-16 meeting were distributed. Brian Graham made motion to approve, seconded by Stafford Gunning. Minutes approved by voice vote.

Conor suggested that any discussion of Abdul Patel’s request for contact team support for his plans to buy 6303 Cameron Road (Mark’s American Car Care Center in Reagan Square) be discussed at the end of the meeting. This suggestion met with CT approval.

The focus of tonight’s meeting featured two employees from the City of Austin Transportation Department who discussed what’s in the transportation budget pipeline now and what transportation issues will affect our neighborhood in the future.

Laura Dierenfield, a manager with the Transportation Department, spoke first. She focused on “what we have completed, what we have planned and our budget priorities.” She said a primary department goal is to emphasize walking and bicycling options with every project.

She said the majority of requests for transportation solutions go to the city engineer assigned to each neighborhood and that Windsor Park is fortunate to have two engineers assigned since it is split between two councilmember districts (Casar and Houston).

She said that at this point, unless additional funding can be found, any major changes related to the traffic on Berkman would likely be limited to restriping to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety

Dierenfield said the best practice is to put new blacktop down and then restripe in order to create new left turn lanes and better bike lanes to create more predictability for both drivers and bikers. New sidewalks are a high priority but budget restraints prevent more being built as the average cost is $100 a foot.

She said the projected costs for needed new sidewalks is currently $1 billion and that the city is now spending between $5 to $10 million a year on sidewalks. But she said money for new sidewalks can “sometimes be found in other program budgets if it makes sense.”

Parking and new signage are also part of their responsibility. All changes need to be vetted by the community and they are now in the middle of a number of citywide meetings through May 8 to get feedback.

Regarding Berkman she said Greg Casar requested funding for Berkman improvements under the one fourth cent set aside for general transit improvements. Berkman was included and received $60,000 in funding for improvements.

A pedestrian bike path along Belfast to Mueller Development was the other request. It is now included in the Bicycle Master Plan.

Several people indicated their support for a pedestrian-bike path that would pass through the Our Lady Maronite Church property that sits on the corner off E. 51st and Berkman but no meetings have been held with the church about this possibility.

Conor indicated his support to fund a variation of a hybrid pedestrian beacon to be placed at Berkman and Rogge or at Berkman at Greenbrook Parkway where you enter the softball fields at Bartholomew Park. The warning beacon was described as being similar to one that is now up at Rosewood and Angelina. Cost will be approximately $15,000 for the beacon.

Dierenfield said a feasibility study would have to be done on any proposal we put forward but she liked the idea. She said one purpose of the mobility survey currently underway is to gauge support for another bond issue.

Brian Graham said if city officials want support for new bond money for highway improvements they had had better “include money for the changes that Windsor Park residents want done along E.51st and along Belfast and Berkman.”

Stafford Gunning asked if the city has numerical projections for traffic increases on Berkman caused by the coming opening of the Alamo Draft House theaters. He said he sees a need for $8 to $10 million in improvements along Berkman just to keep traffic flowing.

Conor agreed we need hard current figures that measure the current daily traffic on these streets. He said these need to be posted on the WP and contact team web sites to help people make suggestions and to draw attention to our safety concerns.

Diane Rice with Austin Transportation then spoke. She said the current Sidewalk Master Plan was completed in 2009. Each need is given a rank ranging from very low to very high. Said they spent from $5-10 million a year on new sidewalks but “it’s just a drop in the bucket when you have a billion dollar budget need.”

Conor and Stafford indicated they want the contact team to play a role in steering WP residents toward accurate transportation information and realistic options. The CT members all said they are tired of getting leftovers from the city budget.

Conor moved to consider a motion to have him create a list of ways in which WP residents can get involved in these decisions and get engaged in the process. These ideas will be circulated to the web and to all CT members. This will be discussed at the Next meeting in May. The motion was seconded by Elaine and passed.

A new CT member: Conor then nominated Jamie Guerra for CT membership. Guerra said he and his family have lived in WP since 2008, works at UT and lives on Berkshire. He was approved by an 11-0 vote by secret ballot.

Agenda: May 9, 2016 meeting

Official Agenda for:

Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting
Windsor Park Public Library,
May 9, 2016, 6:30 pm

  1. Approval of minutes from April meeting;
  2. Discussion of potential involvement in transportation-related issues/projects by WPNPCT, including proposal from City of Austin for Briarcliff/Clayton work;
  3. Update on Cooper Tire project / further discussion of how to handle requests from agents/property owners;
  4. Potential consideration of new members;
  5. Discussion and announcements;
    Adjourn by 8:00PM.

Posted by Conor Kenny, Chair