Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting
Open to All Windsor Park Neighbors and the Public
Windsor Park Public Library,
October 9, 2017, 6:30-8:00 PM
- Call meeting to order;
- Approval of September meeting minutes;
- Discussion and potential action on recommendations regarding Draft 2 of CodeNEXT re-zoning for Windsor Park;
- Discussion and announcements;
- Potential election of new members;
- Adjourn by 8PM
Notes from the chair:
I hope many of you can come out to our discussion of the second draft of the CodeNext draft for Windsor Park. The contact team will be discussing the draft and potentially voting on recommendations to the city. My understanding is that in November, the Neighborhood Association will also be discussing the draft and any comments that the contact team submits.
Best regards,
Conor Kenny, Chair
More info on the latest CodeNEXT draft:
- Comparison map of current zoning to proposed zoning
- The section specifying what can be built where
- There is also this city-sponsored event on Wednesday night:
Northeast Austin CodeNEXT Open House
Wednesday, October 11
Hart Elementary School, 8301 Furness DriveJoin us for the third of six CodeNEXT Community Open Houses!At our open house, the CodeNEXT team will share information about CodeNEXT, the rewrite of the City of Austin’s complex and outdated land development code.
See the proposed zoning map, speak with code writers about changes to the code and how it affects you, and provide your feedback on the code. CodeNEXT staff will give a short presentation at 6:30pm. Light refreshments and children’s activities will be provided, and language interpretation services will be available in Vietnamese, Spanish, Arabic and Mandarin.
For more information about CodeNEXT or for the full CodeNEXT Open House schedule, please visit