Agenda: May 8, 2017 Meeting

Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting
Open to All Windsor Park Neighbors and the Public
Windsor Park Public Library,
May 8, 2017, 6:30-8:00 PM

  1. Call meeting to order;
  2. Approval of April meeting minutes
  3. Briefing from Mark DeLoach on his apartment project
  4. Briefing from Chair on AHA development and program
  5. CodeNEXT update
  6. Motion regarding attendance at April 25th meeting
  7. Ongoing discussion and potential action on ongoing bylaws revisions
  8. Possible election of new members
  9. Discussion and announcements
  10. Adjourn by 8PM

Notes from the Chair:

Item 2: See the draft minutes below.

Item 3: Mark DeLoach is a neighbor who owns an apartment complex on Wheless west of Berkman. I believe he is reopening the complex after a fire and will be hosting disabled veteran residents. He will come to talk to us about the project.

Item 4: I did a fair amount of research into the AHA development, specifically the state 811 program and best practices for affordable housing complexes. I’ll offer a brief update on what I’ve found out.

Item 5: CodeNEXT maps are out. Brian Graham will lead a discussion on what he’s learned. Those of you who were able to attend the meeting on the 25th already received some of his materials. We’ll likely focus on what we want to do as a contact team, and perhaps divvy up some tasks for better understanding what the proposals mean for Windsor Park.

Item 6: There was some confusion regarding the special April 25th meeting to review the CodeNEXT maps, and whether it was an official meeting. Just to clear up any ambiguity, I will be proposing that anyone who attended that meeting will have it counted towards their attendance for the purpose of maintaining an active membership, but that those who did not attend will not have it counted against their attendance.

Item 7: More rules discussion. This meeting I’d like to discuss our requirements for attendance. Secretary Rodney Ahart will discuss our current attendance records. I think we’re going to either start enforcing our attendance requirements or change them – we’ve been lax for a while and I don’t think that’s good for the body.

Item 8: Hopefully we’ll have more folks interested in joining the team!

Also a reminder that Brian Graham and I will be presenting information on CodeNEXT to the WPNA meeting on May 13th.

Respectfully submitted,
Conor Kenny, Chair

DRAFT April meeting minutes:

PRESENT: Brian Graham, Scooter Cheatham, Steve Speir, Margi Bienemann, David E. Golden, Nadia Kahn, Elaine Bohls-Graham, Margaret Dahl, Lane Hicks, Ami Davis, Arthur Turner and Rodney Ahart.

ABSENT: Conor Kenny, Kenny Gaston-Kilgore, Walter Olenick and Jamie X. Guerra

GUESTS: Rick Krivoniak, and Jeanette Swenson

After determining a quorum was present, Scooter Cheatham, vice chair of the WPNPCT, convened the meeting. Minutes from the 3-13-17 meeting were distributed and reviewed. Margi Bienemann moved to approve minutes as presented. Lane Hicks seconded.

Minutes approved.

Brian Graham briefed the team on the latest CodeNEXT happenings. The draft zoning categories have been released and the maps illustrating the changes are scheduled for release April 18. The contact team will be holding a special called meeting Tuesday, April 25, to review the maps. The group discussed options for reviewing the new code. Several members stated more information was needed to better understand what the zoning changes mean, particularly for Windsor Park. Concerns were raised about the potential impacts of up-zoning to the traditional residential nature of the neighborhood. Moreover, Mayor Adler’s Housing Initiative hopes to achieve 135,000 affordable housing units in the City of Austin over the next ten years.

Margaret Dahl discussed her recent conversation with the City of Austin Economic Development Department. She would like for the city to assist with recruiting more restaurants and cafes to our area, and support the two businesses, Odelay and Cenote, currently experiencing difficulties in opening their establishments.

Nadia Khan discussed a pending storage facility being built on the corner of 53rd Street and IH-35. She would like to see more neighborhood friendly development targeted for the east side of IH-35 along Cameron Road.

Scooter Cheatham polled the guests in attendance for interest in joining the contact team. There were no guests interested in serving at this time.

Elaine Bohls-Graham expressed concerns with the evacuation plans for the AHA! Property proposed for Gaston Place. Since a substantial number of the residents are differently-abled, removing the residents out of harm’s way in a timely matter in the event of a fire could be greatly compromised with the existing three story layout of the property.

Margi Bienemann made a motion to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Ami Davis.

Meeting adjourned.

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