Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Meeting
Open to All Windsor Park Neighbors and the Public
Windsor Park Public Library,
September 11, 2017, 6:30-8:00 PM
- Call meeting to order;
- Approval of July meeting minutes;
- Discussion and potential action on new re-prioritization of Capital Improvement Projects in neighborhood plan;
- Discussion and potential action on membership by-laws;
- Discussion and announcements;
- Potential election of new members;
- Adjourn by 8PM
Notes from the chair:
Item 3 (Discussion and potential action on new re-prioritization of Capital Improvement Projects in neighborhood plan — IMPORTANT): The City of Austin has asked if we want to re-consider the priority ranking of Capital Improvement Projects called for in the Neighborhood Plan. They say we cannot add items to the list, but can re-prioritize them in light of what has transpired between the adoption of the neighborhood plan and now.
Below are links to the list of items in the Capital Improvement Plan. We will review those items and potentially assign new priority rankings and also potentially ask the input from the neighborhood via the NA, email list, etc. This is a great opportunity to communicate to city staff where we want our capital improvement dollars spent in WP!
CIP Project List in MSWord and PDF formats.
Item 4 (Discussion and potential action on membership by-laws): I’d like to continue to discuss my proposed change to allowing membership by-right to the contact team instead of by-election for qualified members, if time permits.
Item 5 (Discussion and announcements): Good time for an announcement that the new CodeNEXT maps are expected out on September 15th and we will discuss and vote on recommendations at our October meeting!
Item 6 (Potential election of new members): We’d love to welcome any new members (especially renters, who are under/non represented!). I’d like to also discuss if we should bump membership elections to the front of meetings so new members can vote on items in the meeting in which they are qualified.
Finally, I’d like to remind everyone that I’ve always said I would only serve two consecutive terms as chair, and those will be up in December. I look forward to remaining an active member of the contact team and neighborhood association, but I will feel good about my time as chair if we have successfully, respectfully, and productively worked through CodeNEXT and updated our bylaws. It is time for others to step up and for met to focus a bit more on my two very young children, my neglected spouse, and re-plumbing the dang stainless steel water supply lines in my house. So please think about if you’d like to step up into a leadership role and/or who you’d like to see lead us into the next phase.
Best regards,
Conor on Brunswick Dr.
Your neighbor and (for now) Chair, Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team